Seasia Infotech Blog Wed, 02 Nov 2022 06:02:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Seasia Infotech Recognized as the Best Web Development Company by Tech Reviewer, a Prestigious Platform Tue, 18 Oct 2022 11:18:46 +0000 Seasia Infotech was listed as one of the best web development companies by the Tech Reviewer platform. Tech Reviewer is an online platform that conducts in-depth studies and publishes defined lists of the best service-providing companies (in various business domains).     Tech Reviewer is a trustworthy and reliable resource to know about the leading IT companies […]

The post Seasia Infotech Recognized as the Best Web Development Company by Tech Reviewer, a Prestigious Platform appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

Seasia Infotech was listed as one of the best web development companies by the Tech Reviewer platform. Tech Reviewer is an online platform that conducts in-depth studies and publishes defined lists of the best service-providing companies (in various business domains).    

Tech Reviewer is a trustworthy and reliable resource to know about the leading IT companies or businesses making a mark. The platform assists readers/users to see top service providers and companies with the potential to assist-to get in touch for requirements.  

Seasia Infotech is truly honored by this recognition. We have always made delivering good-quality work a priority. Our team embarks on every project intending to give the best possible solution to any problem that may be uncovered.    

The title “top web development companies in 2022” was well received with a feeling overwhelming. This is not the first time our web development qualities have been appreciated. As we have been serving the industry for more than a decade- we have earned admiration for being a fantastic web development company with the motto of delivering great websites. 

We commence our projects with a brief introduction to the project by the client; then, we take our time to understand the client’s expectations completely. Our entire team believes in doing in-depth research before starting any project. Thus, we first do extensive research on the project matter. We try our best to filter any loopholes or problems within the project.    

Our team of experts ensures to draft a project that is easy to understand. After sufficient research, we map out our idea and every aspect of the project. If the project coordinator needs to be changed, the (new) person assigned can begin by going through the project brief as soon as possible.  

The industry appreciates our thorough methods of commencing a new project for web development services. Probably one of the reasons why Seasia Infotech has stood the test of time and still holds the title of being one of the top web development companies.   

Our team of web developers, engineers, analysts, project coordinators, and analysts are all professionals and have many years of industry experience. Their efforts and unique sense of judgment have enabled them to be the best in the industry.  

Our team works daily with unbreakable focus and practices ethics to strengthen the company’s backbone. Seasia Infotech has updated profiles with projects managed so far on Tech Reviewer and other prestigious online review platforms such as Top Developers.  

As we mentioned before, Tech Reviewer is an established platform that contains information on different IT companies (and others). They offer unbiased service by listing companies based on hundreds of rounds, filtering out the best of the best. Tech Reviewer’s research team picks out the best team after going through a fundamental and expert level of online research. 

The post Seasia Infotech Recognized as the Best Web Development Company by Tech Reviewer, a Prestigious Platform appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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Detailed Guide on Flutter Web App and Its Benefits for Businesses Tue, 04 Oct 2022 09:39:34 +0000 A Brief Introduction to Flutter Web    Flutter web is an emerging framework used for crafting beautiful cross-platform mobile applications. It allows developers to target both iOS and Android platforms with a single code base. With the release of Flutter 2, its popularity is set to rise even further.    The Flutter framework will cause ripples in […]

The post Detailed Guide on Flutter Web App and Its Benefits for Businesses appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

A Brief Introduction to Flutter Web   

Flutter web is an emerging framework used for crafting beautiful cross-platform mobile applications. It allows developers to target both iOS and Android platforms with a single code base. With the release of Flutter 2, its popularity is set to rise even further.   

The Flutter framework will cause ripples in the web development field. The web itself is a flexible platform, but Flutter web is ideal for building web applications like PWAs or SPAs and bringing your existing mobile app to the web.   

PWAs: A progressive web app (PWA) is a website that looks and behaves like a mobile app. PWAs are built to take advantage of native mobile device features without requiring the end user to visit an app store.   

SPAs: SPA stands for a single-page application. It is a web application whose content is dynamically loaded without reloading the page. For instance, when you check your feed on Facebook, you do not have to take time to see an aggravating page loading screen. The content is instantly loaded when you scroll your feed or switch between tabs.

Requirements For Flutter Web App  

Below are some critical requirements for creating any Flutter web app.   

  • Flutter SDK.
  • Chrome; debugging a web app requires the Chrome browser.
  • Optional: An IDE that supports Flutter. You can install Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio Code and install the Flutter and Dart plugins to enable language support and tools for refactoring, running, debugging, and reloading your web app within an editor. See setting up an editor for more details.

Some essential points of flutter web:   

  • Users can open your website in any screen size, you need to make it responsive.
  • When you want to deploy your web app, you can simply run:
    Flutter build web   

Flutter 3.3 release updates to Flutter web, desktop, text handling improvements in performance — and much more!   

 Why Choose Flutter Framework?  

Flutter Framework

Global Selection

Until now, Flutter web apps did not match the expected behaviour when attempting to select text. Like Flutter apps, native web applications are composed of a tree of elements. In a traditional web app, you can choose multiple web elements with a single sweeping gesture, which couldn’t be quickly done on a Flutter web app.   

Today that all changes! With the introduction of the Selectable Area widget, any child of the Selectable Area widget has selection enabled for free! 

To take advantage of this powerful new feature, wrap your route body (such as the Scaffold) with the Selection Area widget and let Flutter do the rest. 

Trackpad input   

Flutter 3.3 provides improved support for trackpad input. This provides richer and smoother control and reduces misinterpretation in some instances. Scroll to the bottom of the page to get to the Dart pad instance, and perform the following steps:   

  • Size the window smaller so that the upper part presents a scrollbar.
  • Hover over the upper part
  • Use a trackpad to scroll
  • Before installing Flutter 3.3, scrolling on a trackpad drags the item because Flutter was dispatching emulated general events
  • After installing Flutter 3.3, scrolling on a trackpad correctly scrolls the list because Flutter is delivering the “scrolling” gesture, which isn’t recognized by the cards but is recognized by the scroll view Scribble.

Flutter now supports Scribble handwriting input using the Apple Pencil on iPad OS. This feature is enabled by default on Cupertino Text Field, Text Field, and Editable Text. To enable this feature for your end users, upgrade to Flutter 3.3.   

Text input   

To improve support for rich text editing, this release introduces the ability to receive granular text updates from the platform’s TextInputPlugin. Previously, the TextInputClient only delivered the new editing state with no delta between the old and new, TextEditingDeltas and the DeltaTextInputClient fill this information gap. Access to these deltas allows you to build an input field with styled ranges that expand and contract as you type.   

Material Design 3   

The Flutter team continues to migrate more Material Design 3 components to Flutter. This release includes updates to IconButton, Chips, and large and medium variants for AppBar.   

How to Set Up for Flutter Web App 

  • First, we have to create a flutter project and choose the web platforms in android studio. We choose android, iOS, and Web. 
  • To add web support to an existing project created using a previous version of Flutter, run the following command from your project’s directory: Flutter creates. 
  • To run your app on chrome: Flutter run -d chrome 

Responsiveness in Flutter Web:  

Although the web app is quite responsive, you will still notice some overflows. Also, the UI design is not convenient for smaller screens of mobile devices. To fix this, we will use a responsive layout to build and resize the widgets in accordance with the device screen size. We will set some breakpoints for smallScreen, medium, and large screens to rebuild the gadgets with the new layout as that breakpoint is reached.  

import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; 

class ResponsiveWidget extends StatelessWidget { 

 final Widget largeScreen; 

 final Widget mediumScreen; 

 final Widget smallScreen; 

 const ResponsiveWidget( 

     {Key key, 

     @required this.largeScreen, 



     : super(key: key); 

 static bool isSmallScreen(BuildContext context) { 

   return MediaQuery.of(context).size.width < 800; 


 static bool isLargeScreen(BuildContext context) { 

   return MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 1200; 


 static bool isMediumScreen(BuildContext context) { 

   return MediaQuery.of(context).size.width >= 800 && 

       MediaQuery.of(context).size.width <= 1200; 



 Widget build(BuildContext context) { 

   return LayoutBuilder( 

     builder: (context, constraints) { 

       if (constraints.maxWidth > 1200) { 

         return largeScreen; 

       } else if (constraints.maxWidth <= 1200 && 

           constraints.maxWidth >= 800) { 

         return mediumScreen ?? largeScreen; 

       } else { 

         return smallScreen ?? largeScreen; 





Flutter web Function

Pros of Flutter Web  

Here are some of the advantages of using Flutter for website development;  

  • It’s stable and production-ready   
  • The complete feature set enables developers to build rich, interactive web experiences.   
  • Access to the same widgets that are available for Flutter for mobile.   
  • Full access to all existing Dart libraries that run on the web.   
  • Flutter web app development gives excellent assistance to Cupertino and UI design elements. 
  • Flutter web can smoothly integrate with present web apps as an embedded element.   
  • It provides PWA support.   

 Cons of Flutter Web 

  • A limited set of tools and libraries.   
  • Massive file size.   
  • Flutter web, unfortunately, is not SEO friendly. If you are concerned with the SEO performance of your website, then Flutter might not be a good option.  
  • Flutter does not support plugins.   
  • Another major con is that Flutter developers cannot modify produced JavaScript, CSS, and HTML code.   
  • If compared to classic web development, Flutter seems to be less impressive.   

Benefits of Flutter Web Development for Businesses  

Benefits of Flutter Web Development for Businesses

When it comes to developing a web app, Flutter might be the right choice. It sure delivers good advantages for businesses- in short; it’ll be worthwhile to use Flutter web.   

Web and Mobile App Development Both at the Same Time  

If you are in a rush to have your web and mobile app ready simultaneously, Flutter is undoubtedly the way to go. With Flutter, it is possible to build the entire product from the code base to all the way with the assistance of Flutter developers.   

Even when you are not in a rush, Flutter seems like a good option as one gets two types of apps delivered at the same thus saving a lot of time. Smart entrepreneurs know this trick. You should follow in their footsteps.   

How a user experiences an app must be a top reason to look into it during development. But when it comes to app design, developers need to consider UI elements a priority. Also, web and mobile apps have different looks; Flutter developers must work on different screen sizes and resolutions- to reach the correct size. To conclude, going with Flutter saves time and gives excellent results.   

Usage of Code   

Writing code consumes lots and lots of time, which sometimes causes delays in app launch. With flutter react app development, this problem rarely arises, and if you already have an app built or on the go for the web. Then in this matter, you can easily reuse existing UI (User Interface) elements swiftly.   


As we highlighted earlier, the previous code can also be used with Flutter. Well, this quality of Flutter works as a charm. Flutter web plays the role of being a trustworthy companion to mobile applications. For example, a demo mobile application can use the same standard code written with a broader system made with the help of Flutter.   

Should Flutter be Used When Mobile Application is Not Considered?  

I hope we have made it clear by now that the mobile and web development process is different. It has been established perfectly by now that Flutter helps developers create engaging and attractive apps. But frankly, in the case of static web pages- it is not an ideal choice. Flutter is apt to develop website pages with loads of text and images, and many contain higher loading times.  

Final Words 

Flutter web is handy for web developers and also for app developers. Because of this, we don’t need to learn HTML, CSS, or JS. With the growing popularity and increased acceptance, Flutter has become, without a doubt, a valuable resource for businesses. If you have gone through this guide, you can never be surer to go for Flutter web app development. 

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React Native App Development – Steps for Initial Setup and Some Common Issues Tue, 13 Sep 2022 05:10:41 +0000 Choosing the correct platform to create an application is among the developers’ first and most important decisions. Once you have the platform lockded, it is time to start the setup process. This post will cover React Native app development project setup in detail, the various common issues that arise during the session, and the solutions.  […]

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Choosing the correct platform to create an application is among the developers’ first and most important decisions. Once you have the platform lockded, it is time to start the setup process. This post will cover React Native app development project setup in detail, the various common issues that arise during the session, and the solutions. 

What is React Native?  

React Native is an open-source cross-platform created by Meta, which is widely used for building mobile apps. Developers can use the platform to develop applications on several different platforms like Android, iOS, and Windows.  

React components wrap existing native code and interact with native APIs via React’s declarative, UI paradigm, and JavaScript. If components do not exist, developers can use third-party libraries of npm or npx that also help create apps like native feel.   

People use React Native for mobile application development because it has one of the largest communities, which can provide multiple solutions for any issue.  

React native developers only need to use JavaScript for code writing. It is a massive contrast to Native development, where developers have to write native code in java or Koltin for android, objective c, or swift for iOS. It is single-threaded in nature. In its rendering process, rather than having multiple processes occur simultaneously (multithreading), other components have to wait until one component is rendered. 

React Native App Development – The Setup for the Project  

First, we start with the setup of react native for creating a mobile app. Follow these steps if you need to build native code for your project. Make sure that you are open terminal with Rosetta like this:

React Native Development-terminal with Rosetta

React Native App Development – For Android setup, follow these steps:

Step 1. First, React Native developer needs to install globally Homebrew using this command:

React Native developer
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <a href=""></a>)" 

Step 2. Run the following commands in a Terminal after installing Homebrew:  

brew install node
brew install watchman

Note: If you have already installed Node on your system, make sure it is Node 14 or higher. 

Step 3. Run the following commands globally in a Terminal:

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions 
brew install --cask zulu11

Note:  If you have already installed JDK on your system, make sure it is JDK 11 or newer. 

Step 4. To set the development environment of android, make sure to download and install these:

  • Android SDK 
  • Android SDK Platform 31 
  • Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image or Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image or (for Apple M1 Silicon) Google APIs ARM  64 v8a System Image 

Note:  The SDK Manager can also be found within the Android Studio “Preferences” dialog, under Appearance & Behaviour → System Settings → Android SDK. 

React Native Development - Appearance & Behaviour

Step 5. Configure the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable: 

Add the following lines to your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc (if you are using zsh then ~/.zprofile or ~/.zshrc) config file: 

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools

To create and open .bash_profile file, follows these steps:

  • Open Launchpad > Other > Terminal
  • Type in the following command to move the home directory and press Enter
cd ~/
  • Input the below touch command to create the bash_profile on Mac: 
touch .bash_profile
  • You can use the following simple command line to open and edit the bash_profile: 
open ~/.bash_profile

React Native App Development – For iOS setup follow these steps: 

To create the setup on iOS, the steps will vary. These are listed below:  

Step 1: First, install globally Homebrew using this command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL <a href=""></a>)" 

Step 2. Run the following commands in a Terminal after installing Homebrew:

brew install node 
brew install watchman  

Step 3. Install XCode via the Mac App Store. Moreover, you will need to install the XCode Command Line Tools. Open XCode, then choose “Preferences…” from the XCode menu. Go to the Locations and install the tools by selecting the most recent version in the Command Line Tools dropdown.

Mac App Store

Step 4. To install Cocoa pods, use the command:   

sudo gem install cocoapods

Note:  Mac M1 is not directly compatible with Cocoa Pods. If you are getting issues when installing pods, you can solve it by running these commands: 

sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi

Note: React Native has a built-in command line interface. Rather than installing and managing a specific version of the CLI globally, we recommend you access the current version at runtime using npx. With npx  command, the current stable version of the CLI will be downloaded. 

Create a new Application with these commands:

npx react-native init <ProjectName> 

npx react-native init <ProjectName> –version X.XX.X (with specific version you can create project) 

Run Application on the physical device

For android device:  Yarn run android or npx react-native run-android 

For ios device:  Yarn run iOS or npx react-native run-ios 

Seven Common Issues May Get When Running Apps on Device

When you create the initial setup for the first time, some issues might arise. Here is a list of common issues that react native app development experts can face while creating the setup, along with their solutions. 

  1. App installs debug error for android device.  

Solution: run these commands in your project’s terminal: 

export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk 
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/emulator 
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools

2. If you have not selected command line tools, it will show an error on Xcode when you start running the app on iOS.  

Solution: Make sure that you select command line tools. 

3. Development Server Error in React Native:  

Solution: Open a new terminal with the project’s directory and hit the command ’npm start’ 

4. If you are getting a JS bundle issue on iOS, that means could not connect to the metro server  

Solution: Make sure devices are connected with the same network 

5. Sometimes we are getting issues ADB devices not found. It means that when we run the app on the device, the device is not found.  

Solution: Resolve it by using this command:  

 sudo adb kill-server sudo adb start-server

6. Sometimes we open the project or app on direct android studio then we get this issue: error=2, No such file or directory Cannot run program “node” (in directory “/Users/username/foldername/projectname/android”): error=2, No such file or directory 

Solution: To resolve it, follow this command on the terminal: 

open -a /Applications/Android\

7. Sometimes we are getting ‘unknown error’ or cache issue, to resolve it follow command: 


npx react-native start --reset-cache (with terminal)
Xcode -> Product -> Clean Build Folder (IOS XCode)
Android Studio -> Build -> Clean Project (Android)

Benefits of Using React Native Web and Mobile Development 

If you are still wondering if React Native is the right choice for you, consider these benefits of the platform: 

  • Relies on JavaScript 
  • The Hot Reload Feature, which makes faster coding possible 
  • The Codebase has provisions to create apps for multiple platforms 
  • Code reusability is available for future projects 
  • Among the React developer tools, the biggest one is the highly active and supportive community 
  • It makes testing the product faster 
  • Offers a fantastic performance 
  • Generally, it costs less to create a React Native application 
  • You can get React Native Updates at regular intervals 

How Long Can a React Native Project Take?  

A React Native Project can take between two weeks to a couple of months. For Native applications, the timeline can vary from one week to around a month. However, as Native applications only work on one platform, creating the same app for different platforms will take more time. Depending on how many platforms you want the application to work on, the project length will change.  

If the requirements of the project change quickly, expect more delays in receiving the final deliverables.  

Overall, several factors determine the time it takes to finish a React Native project and a Native project. If your business wants to create a more inclusive environment, opting for React Native development services is better. 

React Native V/S Flutter  

React Native V/S Flutter

Now, if you are a new developer looking for the best technology to use for website development, then you must consider React Native performance vs. Flutter. Both Flutter and React Native can create cross-platform applications.  


Flutter app development uses Dart language, which allows for the quicker compilation of code than JavaScript. Also, its standard display animation is 60 fps. Google Flutter does offer high performance, but there are still some common problems that can affect the rate. Here, you can follow these recommendations.  

  • Optimize performance using deferred loading and tree shaking.  
  • Improve performance using image placeholder, disabled navigation transitions, and pre-caching.  
  • Develop Flutter widgets   

React Native  

Written in Native and JavaScript languages, React Native apps use the JS bridge architecture for communication. Hence, React Native apps can be slower than other tools.  

In performance, React Native development company and developers will tell you that React Native is better than Flutter. But the other benefits of the cross-platform framework from Google makes it worth the sacrifice.  

You can visit Flutter vs React Native post to learn more about the difference between the two platforms.  

Final Thoughts:   

React native app development can become a tedious task that requires significant information. Businesses can hire a custom software development company to take on the project to reduce delivery time. So, if you are stuck and need to create an application, get in touch today. 

The post React Native App Development – Steps for Initial Setup and Some Common Issues appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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Importance of Android Mobile App Development with Voice Search Optimization Thu, 25 Aug 2022 10:54:36 +0000 Voice searches were a part of futuristic films for a long time, but now they are part of our everyday operations. People are using their Alexa, Google Assistant, and other smart devices to do voice searches, and the volume of activity is only increasing with time. Moreover, several android mobile app development providers can incorporate […]

The post Importance of Android Mobile App Development with Voice Search Optimization appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

Voice searches were a part of futuristic films for a long time, but now they are part of our everyday operations. People are using their Alexa, Google Assistant, and other smart devices to do voice searches, and the volume of activity is only increasing with time. Moreover, several android mobile app development providers can incorporate voice search in web applications.   

While big names like Google and Amazon offer such provisions, several smaller brands are missing out on this technology’s full potential.   

This post includes the importance of voice search option on your apps and websites, the various pitfalls while optimizing for voice searches, and the best practices to optimize your app and website for Google voice search app

Importance of Incorporating Voice Searches Through Android Mobile App Development 

Voice search through android app development

Including voice searches on your application has several benefits that are listed below: 

Makes Your Application Accessible to Disabled People 

Voice search for apps is mandatory if your company wants to offer an inclusive environment. People who cannot see rely heavily on voice commands to get results android mobile app development practices that support voice recognition. Other people who benefit extensively from voice searches are people with disabilities related to hands.  

Many brands also include thorough descriptions on their applications for people who cannot see. Hence, voice searches create a more inclusive environment and allow businesses to tap into a section many do not consider.   

Faster Method of Searching  

It is a faster method of running searches online. Typing takes a lot of time, whereas voice searches are relatively quick. Moreover, it allows users to multitask as they do not have to look at the screen, especially when the answer is spelled out.   

Voice searches are faster. The technology has a speed that typing cannot offer.  

Read Also: Learn About How Free Apps Make Money

More Convenient  

Voice searches are also more convenient for users. They can find the relevant information more readily and give access to information quickly. It can help improve the productivity of the individuals who use the feature.  

Voice searchers have made it possible for users to multitask with ease. You can also choose to provide voice search for websites for the same reason. 

Easier than Typing  

The primary reason voice searches are experiencing such a huge boost is that this method is much easier than typing. Writing takes time, whereas human speech comes easy.  

Hence, users are utilizing the technology to get relevant information quickly.  

For businesses, providing voice searches makes them more inclusive and productive. On the other hand, for users, voice searches offer a more convenient, accessible, and faster method of making inquiries on the website portals. The same benefits apply if you invest in web development services that enable voice searchees on your website. 

The Challenges of Incorporating Voice Searches on Applications and Websites  

Voice Searches on Applications and Websites

There are several reasons why a web and mobile app development company would find it challenging to incorporate voice searches into their function, which are listed below:  

Voice Recognition Technology  

Voice recognition have been here since the 1950s and is still a developing technology. It is not a fool-proof system as works can get misinterpreted. Hence, your company’s voice recognition software must be top-notch, and still, there would be scope for improvement. However, many big corporations are working on it. With appropriate android mobile app development services, you can leverage the latest advancements in the voice recognition technology for better user experience.

Wildly Different from Text Searches  

Human speech and writing practices are widely different and become clear with the boon in voice searches. Voice searches are usually longer and more detailed. So, companies interested in incorporating voice search in apps and websites need to invest in online marketing for voice searches.  

More Competitive  

The competition is much higher if your business wants to rank for voice searches. With answers coming out in speech, Google and other search engines only provide up to three results. If your content does not offer the high standards required by Google, you will fail to rank on them. Moreover, if you offer in-app and website voice searches, the results will also become limited. Marketers will need to invest time and effort in capturing the attention of this increasing group of searchers.   

Voice Search Optimization Best Practices for Web and Mobile App Development:  

When it comes to Voice Search Optimization for mobile apps and websites, you need to look at it from two perspectives. One, your web and custom android app development must support voice searches. Secondly, you should invest in voice search optimization SEO best practices. 

It is the work of the web and mobile app development provider to enable voice searches on your application. Before, adding the x-WebKit-speech attribute was enough, but now it is a little more work that requires JavaScript API.  

Moreover, for voice search optimization for apps and websites, you need to add CSS to provide a microphone image in the input box. The form code enables the input button on the website, but all the heavy work relies on JavaScript.  

Once someone clicks on the microphone button, JavaScript checks if the user’s browser supports voice recognition, and the website might need to ask for access to the microphone.  

Important Information  

Ensure that the HTML form/search box is embedded in the HTTPS website. It ensures that the website does not require microphone permission for every use.  

English is not the only language supported in voice recognition apps. There is an option for Hindi, Français, etc., and you should check them out on supported languages.   

The android mobile app development providers know how to add voice search in website and applications. So, they can help incorporate voice searches using the best practices. 

Voice Search Optimization Best Practices for SEO  

Voice Search Optimization Best Practices for SEO

To create a voice search-friendly website for Google, you must follow a set of practices. As the Google algorithms updates keep happening. You need to modify your practices with these changes.  

Here is the list of best SEO practices for Voice Search Optimization.  

Target question keywords and other long-tail keywords  

Voice searches differ from text searches, so your choice of keywords changes. The first thing to remember is that your targeted keywords will change. Here, you need to look for question keywords and long-tail keywords. As human speech comes with more detailed questions, voice searches tend to be longer.  

The searches starting with ‘how’ are only increasing in voice searches. So, as marketers, the first task is to find keywords that get traffic through voice searches and target them. 

Using conversational Language  

While running voice searches, humans will use a conversational tone, and your results should match the theme. It means that your content also needs to be casual, like two people talking to each other, where one person asks a question, and the other person provides relevant information. Less formal writing gives a more authentic feel and is easier to read. Moreover, it is also considered a more relevant writing style for voice queries.   

To make your queries more conversational, write with informal words like ‘I,’ ‘me,’ ‘you,’ and do not use technical terms and other jargon words. Moreover, you can try adding humor to the content for that human feel.   

As a brand, you must have a brief on how to write as per the brand’s portrayal. So, opt for a more casual tone of voice. But a conversational tone is no reason to downgrade your quality of work. Instead, keep casual while providing users with the most engaging content and value. For reference, think of a teacher who makes their classes fun by wording the information casually and engagingly.   

Prioritize Local SEO  

Local SEO aims to improve visibility where the business operates. Housing companies, salons, etc., are some examples that use local SEO religiously to target potential customers living near their business and who are likely to buy from them. Local SEO is also an ideal tool to rank for voice search.  

To begin with, one of the reasons for people to voice search is because they are already in a car and looking for something, like a restaurant. So, it makes sense to target local SEO on your business.  

Creating and maintaining a Google Business Profile is the first and most crucial step to better Local SEO. This listing shows up when people add near me to their search queries. The listing includes location, hours, contacts, directions, rating, close timing, etc.  

As Google generally relies on Google Business profile to answer voice search queries, the efforts are mandatory. Also, providing a complete listing is ideal as that will help your business rank better on voice searches.  

Local listing through Google Business Profile is among the most crucial aspects of your local SEO. The statement is especially true for businesses that operate in the location and do not offer services outside the area. As the listing can become one and the only source that gives users information about your brand, you should keep it up-to-date. Ensure that everything remains accurate on the listing to avoid disappointing customers  

Try to capture Google featured snippets 

Content Snippet is a short piece of content that answers your query briefly. It is at the top of the result page; other suggestions go below it. Currently, Google offers snippets in paragraphs, bullets, numbering lists, and other formats. Google Snippets are hard to get by, but if you do get one, it can lead to significant traffic.  

The reason to capture Google Snippet is that if a query has a snippet, the virtual assistant will read the answer aloud to the user.   

However, unlike Google Listing, Snippets aren’t guaranteed. You can try to create content that answers queries well, but much like organic traffic, Google decides if it turns into a snippet. To give your content a chance to feature as a snippet, you can follow a guide on optimizing Google’s snippet box to try to get results. 

Utilize Schema Markup  

Schema markup is essential for both on-page SEO and voice search SEO. Schema markup refers to structured data – a code you can add to your HTML. The markup includes vital information about your company like hours, pricing, contact, reviews, etc., and Google uses the information to provide more detailed results to users.  

Schema markup does not appear to human visitors, as its only purpose is to share information with the indexing bots. The activity results in Google understanding your business better, improving visibility, and more traffic. As the search engine can decide your relevance to queries, your chances of resulting in voice searches increase.  

Optimization for Mobile  

Mobiles are becoming the preferred method of running queries through text or voice. Google also gives importance to mobile user experience, and it is a contributing factor to a website’s ranking. So, to rank better in text and voice searches, ensure your website is mobile-friendly.   

Keep your site fast  

Your website’s speed is among the most significant contributors to your ranking. Your website’s speed does determine your ranking in the Google voice search results and several other areas. The common sentiment is that your website must load within two seconds if you do not want to agitate your customers.   

Check the speed of your website with a speed checker tool and if it isn’t satisfactory, move to the step of making changes for better speed. Google wants to give users a fulfilling experience, and slow speed is the exact opposite. 

Final Thoughts – Give Your Voice the Best Platform  

Voice searches have become the new norm and businesses that want to stay relevant focus on voice search optimization. Combined with local SEO, voice search optimization has the potential to bring footfall to your business while improving the overall SEO of your business.  

Hire Seasia – an Android mobile app development company to help create a voice search-friendly application for your website. We also develop phone apps for iPhones. Ensure inclusivity, ease of use, and much more by availing our services today. 


How Do I Optimize Google Voice?  

To optimize Google voice, here are the strategies to follow:  

  • Consider device and customer behavior  
  • Use conversational Keywords  
  • Create compelling and conversational content  
  • Use schema markup  
  • Invest in Mobile Optimization  
  • Utilize Local SEO  

How Does Voice Search Optimization work?  

With voice search optimization, you aim to create and optimize content so that voice search devices like Alexa, Siri, and OKGoogle read your content aloud when users make specific queries.  

How do I optimize my website for voice search?  

To optimize your website for voice search, make it mobile-friendly, add schema markup, perform local SEO, and ensure fast speed.  

How do I optimize my website for the Google search engine?  

To optimize your website for the Google search engine, you can perform the following tasks:  

  • Ensure that the website is valuable and intuitive  
  • Cultivate user trust  
  • Use links appropriately  
  • Work on creating authoritativeness  

The post Importance of Android Mobile App Development with Voice Search Optimization appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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How to Upload Android App to Google Play Store Wed, 17 Aug 2022 04:30:06 +0000 Google Play Store is the most used application to download all the other mobile applications and software. As the Android market is enormous and all companies want their business to stay on users’ phones, where people spend more than 3 hours a day, it is necessary to learn the basics of uploading an Android app […]

The post How to Upload Android App to Google Play Store appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

Google Play Store is the most used application to download all the other mobile applications and software. As the Android market is enormous and all companies want their business to stay on users’ phones, where people spend more than 3 hours a day, it is necessary to learn the basics of uploading an Android app to the Google Play Store.  

Generally, an android app development company can help you not just create but also upload the product to Google Play Store. However, if you are someone who likes more control or wants to learn how to upload applications on the domain, you have come to the right place.  

Currently, there are over 3.48 million applications on Google Play Store. Moreover, daily, the number of apps uploaded on the platform is 3739.  

This post will cover the step-by-step process of uploading a mobile application to the Google Play Store for the world to download and use.  

How Does an Android App Development Company Upload App to Google Play Store? 

The post carries a step-by-step guide on how to submit a mobile application on Google Play Store. You can get an Android App development company to do the job. Or you can follow the exact steps in chronological order to publish your app on the device. 

1. Google Play Developer Console 

Google Play Developer Console

The first step of how to submit a app to the app store is to go to the developer dashboard to upload an Android play store app. The Google Play console is the backend controlling center developers use to submit applications on Android.   

If you are wondering how much does it cost to publish an app on play store, then here is what you must know. You must pay a $25 one-time fee to access Google Play Console. Then, you can use the various features and functions loaded on the platform. It is a one-time fee, and you will not need to pay anything more to submit a mobile application to the Google Play Store.  

However, creating an account is tedious as they will need all your credentials to create an account. It includes information like your name, country, etc. Moreover, submitting the details can take up to two days before the account is approved. 

2. Linking Developer Account & Google Wallet Merchant Account

Linking Developer Account & Google Wallet Merchant Account

Skip this step if your application does not have in-app purchases. However, you need to connect to a merchant account for applications with in-app purchases.  

To create a merchant account, follow these steps:  

  • Sign in with a Google Play Console account.  
  • Find and click on ‘Reports.’  
  • Find and click on ‘Financial Reports.’  
  • Opt for the ‘Set up a merchant account now’ option.  
  • Fill out the details.  

Once the process is complete, the merchant account will link automatically with the Google Play Console account. Then, you can use the account to manage and examine in-app sales. 

3. Create Application  


Once you log in with the developer or publisher account, follow these steps to publish your Android application to Google Play:  

  • Go to the menu and click on ‘All applications.’  
  • Here, find ‘Create Application’ and select it.  
  • In the drop-down menu, find and select the application’s default language. 
  • Add an application title (which will be changed later).  
  • Then, click on ‘Create.’  

Be mindful of the language you choose. But you can be vague with the name, as you will get to change it later.  

4. Listing the Application on the App Store 

Now, it is time to list your application on Google Play Store. All your preparation up until now is necessary to ease this step.  

In this step of how to upload app on play store, fill out all the required information and details with caution.   

Fill in the details as asked. Also, use appropriate keywords in the app description to ensure that more interested people see your product when they search the play store online.  

5. Time to Upload App Bundles or APK to the Google Play Store  

create internal testing release

Finally, it is time to add your App bundle or APK and signed app release and upload them to your application. The android apps development company you hired will have already submitted the appropriate files for this step.   

To do so, follow these steps:  

  • Find ‘Release Management’ and click on it.  
  • Click on the ‘App Release’ tab on the menu.  
  • Here, you will have four options – Internal Test, Close Test, Production Release, and An Open Test  
  • Select the type of release as per your needs.  
  • Then, click on ‘Create Release.’  

After this, the page will get redirected from the New Release to the production page.  

Here, you have a decision to make. Decide if you want to give the option of Google Play apps store signing on your application or not. If you do not wish to provide the choice, click on the ‘Opt-Out’ option.  

Now, go to ‘Browse files’ and look at how to upload apk to Google Apps Store and name and describe your release as per the on-screen instructions.  

Before you set anything in stone, click on the ‘Review’ option. Here, you will have the chance to look at all the information you have provided to the database. Once you are satisfied with the input, press ‘Save.’ 

6. Time for Content Rating  

Time for Content Rating

You are the first person who gets to rate your app. Once you publish Android apps on Play Store, do not leave it ‘Unrated’ as it might get removed from the store.   

For Content Rating, please navigate to the menu on the left side of the screen and select it. Click on ‘Continue’ to move forward, add your email address in the allotted field, and press ‘Confirm.’   

Now, it is time to fill in the questionnaire of your application rating. Once all the information is fed to the system, select ‘Save Questionnaire’ and then choose the ‘Calculate Rating’ option. It will now show you the app rating on Play Store. Now, you can click on ‘Apply’ as the last step to finalize your app’s content rating.  

7. Set up Application Pricing and Distribution  

Setup Application Pricing and Distribution in google play store

Google has put limitations on the regions where you can publish an application. So, mention the countries where your application will work.   

Here, you must assign appropriate pricing for your application. One crucial piece of information to remember here is that Google does not allow free applications to turn into paid apps. However, you can change the pricing of paid applications as time progresses.  

To set the pricing:

  • Go to the menu and select the Pricing and Distribution tab.  
  • Choose whether the application is Paid or Free.  
  • Select the countries where your application will be available for downloads  
  • Here, you must also determine and provide information about whether the application is appropriate for children under 13 years. If it is suited for the age group, select ‘Yes’; otherwise, opt for ‘No.’  
  • Also, choose whether your application will have advertisements or not.    

8. Ready to Publish the Application

Ready to Publish the Application

Here, you must take the time to ensure that every piece of information you have put is correct. Then, you are ready to move to the last step of the guide on how to upload android app to Play Store. It is time to publish the application, and here are the steps to follow:  

  • Go back to the ‘App Releases’ section   
  • Select ‘Manage Production  
  • Opt for ‘Edit Release’  
  • Click ‘Review’  
  • Select ‘Start rollout to production.’  
  • Bring the process to closure by choosing the ‘Confirm’ option  

Your application is successfully uploaded to the Google Play Store .apk account.  

While your part of the process is done, Google will still take some time to approve your application. It takes anywhere between hours or a few days. So, you will have to wait before the application is finally published. 

Tips to Get Your App Featured on the Play Store  

Once you have your application on Google Play Store, it is time to put in the work and get your application featured on the Google Play Store.  

To get your application features, you can incorporate specific practices, like visual design services, localization, and the use of the latest technologies. If you can get your application featured on the Google Play Store apk, it will increase the number of viewers on your application several-fold, leading to more revenue. 

Steps to Increase Your Application Visibility after Submission  

Your work does not stop at publishing your application and adding relevant tags to it. Afterward, you need to promote your app to the people. Here are a few steps that you can take to promote apps on various platforms.  

Use your social media: Your application will find it easier to land on people’s smartphones if you promote it on your social media. It is among the most effective and cost-efficient methods of spreading the word about your product. Moreover, it is excellent tool for getting customer feedback on your product.  

Focus on Press Releases: Another method of getting the word out about your application is through relevant press releases. If you can, take your application to well-established publishers in the niche. It will help you target the right audience and get your application to get the relevant numbers faster.  

Upkeeps of your application: No application is without flaws. Hence, you must take relevant feedback from the users and testers and make appropriate adjustments to ensure that the application runs smoothly. Regular updates and bug fixes are essential for an application. Otherwise, it will seize to get traction and ultimately have no downloads.  

Invest in ASO: App Store Optimization includes a range of practices to get more impressions and conversions for your application. Much like search engine optimization, it also aims to get your product in front of the maximum number of relevant audiences for a higher conversion rate. 

Final Words – Importance of Selecting the Finest Android App Development Company  

Whether Google approves of your application or not will depend on the make of your product. Hence, the business must hire the best Android App development company for the job. So, if you want your first application to get quick approval and offer the best experience to the client, your first job is to create an amazing product that people will like.  

The process of uploading the application to the Google Play Store does require thorough information about the product. It is a part of android app development services. Hence, many app development companies are willing to take the responsibility of uploading the application on your behalf. However, if you want to keep your information private, then you can opt to do the uploading work yourself.  

Provide all the information that Google wants to publish in your application.  

Tip to remember: You must recheck your work at every step. After giving each piece of information, re-read what you have written. It will provide you with some clarity and ensure that there are no faults in your submission. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

How can I upload my app on Play Store?  

To upload your application to Play Store, you must first go to the play console and make an ID. Then you can upload the application by following the simple steps.  

How much does it cost to put an app on the Play Store?  

It is free to upload the application on Play Store. However, you must pay a one-time fee of $25 for a lifetime subscription to Play Console.  

Can I upload app on Store for free?  

If you already have a Play console subscription, uploading an application to Google Play Store is free. However, you must pay a one-time $25 fee if you do not have one. Afterward, you can upload as many applications as you like from the ID.  

How can I publish my app for free?  

If you are wondering how to publish an app to the app store for free, there is no need to worry. On Google Play Store, uploading an application for approval is free. However, Google will review the application before uploading it to the server. Moreover, you will need a Play Console paid ID, which will cost a one-time fee of $25. 

The post How to Upload Android App to Google Play Store appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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10 Best Sports App That You Must Try in 2023 Wed, 03 Aug 2022 18:07:23 +0000 Introduction The gaming industry is enormous, with various sub-categories. With the massive number of sports played internationally and nationally, it is essential to have an application that keeps users updated on the best sports app of their choice. Applications around sports have a massive fanbase because people who want to experience the sport, even when […]

The post 10 Best Sports App That You Must Try in 2023 appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.


The gaming industry is enormous, with various sub-categories. With the massive number of sports played internationally and nationally, it is essential to have an application that keeps users updated on the best sports app of their choice.

Applications around sports have a massive fanbase because people who want to experience the sport, even when they cannot play professionally, rely on technology to get the experience. Moreover, real-life sports enthusiasts also use mobile phones to receive updates on their favorite teams.

So, it is abundantly clear that sports news applications are a huge part of the media industry. There is a sports column in every newspaper, and today, the best sports apps offer users the latest updates on the sports of their choice.

The Importance of Technology in Sports

The sports world is enormous and generally relies on a massive data bank to keep people updated. Hence, Sports Technology Market is huge, and several businesses are using it today. Technology in sports can do simple tasks like updating users about the latest news in the sports world. AI ML, and Data Science can help coaches measure player fitness and make crucial decisions about the latest games.

Where Can You Get the Best Sports App?

When it comes to sports apps, there are a few portals where people can enjoy the experience.

Mobile sports apps have also become the norm today. In fact, some of the best sports apps are available on mobile today. As phones are handy devices that people can carry, sports lovers prefer to have their best sports news app on the device. Generally, most of the applications are available for both Android and iOS users.

With the proper configurations, your popular app for sports scores can also become available on your computer or laptop. However, that is generally not required, and Websites and streaming services can provide the same information. However, it is helpful if you want to keep working while keeping tabs on the score.

List of the best Sports Apps to Download on your Android or iOS Device

There is a range of applications available online to keep track of scores for the sports of your choice. Here, we have curated a list of the best apps for sports scores that also work on iOS.

Bleacher Report – The Best App for Sports

Bleacher Report is a mobile app that offers the latest Sports News for almost every game. They have news on Basketball, Football, Hockey, Javelin throw, and any other sport you can think of right now. The application also has the option of following specific sports. Using the feature makes it easier to stay up-to-date with the latest scores, drama, upsets, changes, and wins in the sport. It is the best sports news app that you will find online.

Unique Features of Bleachers Report

  • Users can personalize the application to show their favorite sports’ latest news.
  • Bleacher Report is also the best app for sports scores. It is primarily because they provide the latest news for their avid readers almost instantaneously.
  • Top Stories are available in a different section, so you will never miss out on the biggest sports news.
  • Bookmarking helps users keep tabs on articles they want to read and cluster them separately to read at their leisure.

The application is available on both Android and iOS. So, all mobile users can access the application to keep tabs on their favorite sports.

The AllStar – The Ultimate Sports Mobile App

The AllStar

The AllStar is among the best sports scores apps that you can find online. It is a new and independent channel in the market that users can fully customize. The application is free from advertisements.

The application offers a unique user experience for every person who downloads the application. It is also among the few and the best sports betting apps that you can download today.

What Makes the AllStar the Best Sports Apps in the world?

  • The application personalization feature is highly robust
  • It covers a range of sports and leagues, including MBL, NBA, EPL, and many others.
  • No annoying banners cover the screen while you get your daily dose of sports.
  • The ongoing expansion of the project to get more exclusive content
  • Betting is available on the application

Download the application for both Android and iOS devices.

MLB app – Best App for Live Scores

MLB app

MLB is a dedicated application for baseball. The application offers the latest updates on the teams of your choice. Moreover, you can enable notifications to get alerted about the latest news and when a match is about to begin.

With a premium membership, you can also live stream the games. The application also has a national baseball radio program, which is a must-have for every baseball lover.

Why is MLB Among the Best Sports Mobile Applications?

  • It is the perfect mobile application for Baseball lovers as it offers the latest news about the game.
  • Other sports updates are also available on the application.
  • Statistics-obsessed baseball enthusiasts can get RBIs, HRs, and batting average on players on the application.
  • Helpful and quick news for the MLB fans.

Download the application on either Android or iOS devices. +

The Score – The Best Sports Score App

The Score

The Score is another popular sports app from Sportsnet 360, a Canadian Sports Network. As the company already has experience in the sports industry, the application reflects their understanding of the user base.

Their social media element is what sets them apart from others. People can interact with other application users through open and closed group chats to celebrate the wins and debate the losses.

Reasons to Consider The Score – The Best Sports News App

  • Clean and minimalistic look for easy browsing
  • Live scores at the home screen of the application
  • Personalized content as per your favorite teams and players.
  • Social Media style application to add friends and engage with groups

Available on both iOS and Android.

Yahoo Sports – The Free Sports News Apps

Yahoo Sports

Yahoo Sports is among the best sports apps. It offers the latest sports news without costing a single dime. A quick search of the application will give you the latest updates on all sports. Also, users can easily find information related to their choice of sports.

Also, users do not need a subscription to watch certain popular sports.

Why is Yahoo Sports one of the best apps for sports news?

  • The application offers better coverage of all the major football leagues
  • Personalization of the feed is available.
  • The user interface and user experience are highly commendable
  • Video and article search is easier

Available for both Android and iOS users.

CBS Sports – Covering Sports Leagues from Start to Finish

CBS Sports

CBS Sports is another contender for the best sports updates app users can download on their mobile phones. The customized updates of scores, statistics, and analytics allow users to keep tabs on the latest sports news of their choice. It is also a streaming service for many sports events like NCAA Basketball.

The company also has live broadcasts and a Sports HQ channel for different experiences.

Why are CBS Sports Applications Unique?

  • Their personalized news feature allows users to opt-in for the updates of their choice.
  • 24/7 hour sports reporting is available on the application
  • The application also has a column for betting advice from experts
  • On-demand highlights for matches are available on the application.
  • The interface is intuitive and user-friendly.

It is among the best sports apps for iPhone, but it is also available for Android.

SofaScore – One of the Best Among All Sports Apps

The SofaScore app

The SofaScore app is the answer to what’s the best sports app for international soccer (football). However, it is among the more extensive sports apps that offer live updates of over 25 sports.

It is among the best Android sports apps for Android users with smartwatches. They can run the application on their watch and watch short video clips of every goal. Moreover, real-time players and rating updates are available on the application.

Reasons to opt for SofaScore – Sports apps for Android and iOS

  • For Android users, the biggest reason to download the application is that it works with your smartwatches.
  • People who like the social experience can interact with other sports enthusiasts using the chat feature.
  • They have unique leaderboards with team season stats.
  • The application has a range of quizzes to keep users engaged in their free time
  • Battle Draft is a game available on the

Downloads are available for both iOS and Android users.

BBC Sport – The Best Sports Streaming Apps Today

BBC Sport

One of the most credible sources of any news is the BBC. And so, it is no surprise that BBC Sports is among the Best Sports Apps you can find online. Not just that, it is also one of the best sports streaming apps that offer quick news updates, game highlights, and live score updates. It is also among the more secure apps you can opt for, as the company has changed its privacy protocol for better user safety.

Personalized updates also appear on the users’ home screen for that enhanced mobile user experience.

What Makes BBC Sports the Best App for Sports News?

  • The video streaming of live matches is one of the major reasons for users to opt for BBC Sports.
  • Their personalization of the news feed with the ‘My Sport’ section makes it more convenient.
  • This application lets users stream live games and TV highlights with Chromecast.
  • The application has indexes for all major sporting events.
  • The sharing feature sets it apart from others applications as it allows people to share updates on their social media straight from the application.

BBC Sports has provisions for use on Android and iOS devices, making it the best app for sports scores for various games.

LiveScore – Amongst the best Android Sports Apps

Live Score

LiveScore is among the best sports scores that have offered real-time game updates since 1998. They have sports leagues for scoring tennis, basketball, soccer, football, and hockey. It is also included in the best sports streaming apps, offering live commentary for the matches.

Moreover, the clean layout of the application makes it easy for the users to skim through the game’s highlights if they want.

Features that Make LiveScore one of the top sports apps in the world:

  • Users can opt-in for live notifications for matches of their choice with just one click.
  • A favorite section that only has reports for the users’ preferred games.
  • The additional explore option helps the users find their favorite sports.
  • The choice of ball tracking is available for pitch view.
  • Calendar feature that tracks all the upcoming matches

Download the iOS and Android sporting news app application to get the latest scores updates daily.

365Scores – The Most Interactive Sports App


365Scores is an application made to help all sports fans keep tabs on the ten sports. The application gives access to the latest scores, statistics, schedules, and videos. Moreover, their coverage also includes the latest information about the various team players globally.

The stand-out features of 365Scores are:

  • Option of following news related to users’ favorite players and teams
  • Real-time updates available with the live game tracker
  • An exceptional live player rating and heatmaps option
  • The application also carries some gaming options for the users
  • Notifications related to the sports of choice to keep the users updated

The application is available on iOS and Android, and users can download it to keep themselves updated.

Final Words – Create or Update the Best Sports Apps

As the world changes, we need to create more engaging sports applications to claim the title of the best sports app. To do so, we can add a range of features to the application and ensure that the content matches the sports fans’ standards.

Moreover, to create a more engaging application, an online uniform builder tool can generate the personalization that some people want from their sports news application.

Learn about our mobile development services and use them today to change your online presence.

At Seasia, we understand the importance of sports and how they bring people together. We have already worked on several projects related to the niche and would love to help you achieve your goals. Get in touch to know more about our services today.


What is the best all-around sports app?

At the top of the list when it comes to the best all-around sports app is Bleacher report. The application has a simple-to-use interface, and its information is highly relevant and accurate.

What is the #1 Sports App?

When it comes to updates about sports, Bleacher Report is the golden standard for the application genre. Their out-of-the-world personalization and bookmarking options make it a unique application for users.

What app can I watch all sports?

There is no correct answer to the question as several applications cover a range of sports. However, no one can claim that they offer a streaming experience for all sports. However, BBC Sports is among the better options for streaming services related to sports.

What Sports apps are free?

If you do not want to pay a subscription fee and still want the latest updates on the sports of your choice, nothing beats Yahoo Sports.

The post 10 Best Sports App That You Must Try in 2023 appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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HVAC Marketing Plan That Successful Businesses Use Mon, 25 Jul 2022 12:06:25 +0000 HVAC businesses are booming, with the number of companies growing over time. In 2022, there are over 118,012 Heating and AC services companies in the USA, a 2.1% rise from the previous year. As marketers or business owners, you want your company to stand out from the competition. HVAC marketing is a specific art; you […]

The post HVAC Marketing Plan That Successful Businesses Use appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

HVAC businesses are booming, with the number of companies growing over time. In 2022, there are over 118,012 Heating and AC services companies in the USA, a 2.1% rise from the previous year. As marketers or business owners, you want your company to stand out from the competition. HVAC marketing is a specific art; you need to be precise with your technique to get results.

What is HVAC Marketing?

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) marketing is a full-year plan focusing on bringing your business and services to potential customers. Dedicated efforts to consistently engage potential customers to conversions is HVAC marketing.

In the digital realm, it means posting your business details on various online platforms to users’ attention.

HVAC Marketing Strategies to Boost Leads, Sales & Revenue

HVAC marketing ideas are in no shortage when it comes to promoting businesses. Here are some steps that HVAC businesses can take to get more leads, sales, and revenue.

Local Search Engine Marketing

HVAC is a location-based business. Hence, companies need to deploy local search engine marketing to engage the people nearby.

HVAC digital marketing generally relies on getting customers nearby. Therefore, most if not all of the marketing efforts will go towards the local clientele. It includes posting your business on local directories and other websites with viewers from your location.

Google Ads

Many people already have the phone numbers of their preferred or trusted HVAC professionals. But new people are in the market looking to find a reliable HVAC service as well. Now, one place where people go to find assistance is Google. So, running Google Ads is an excellent choice to get people to your brand as per HVAC marketing strategies. The pay-per-click (PPC) advertising includes payments for every time someone clicks on the ads or when it shows up on their Google results. The price for clicks and impression varies.

HVAC Google Local Service Ads

The HVAC marketing ideas can also include running local service ads for your business. In this, the payment is per lead instead of per click. It means that you will get charged when potential customers contact your business through the ad. HVAC Google Local Service Ads will only show up to customers in your area.

Garner Reviews

Original reviews on trustworthy sites are your best advertisements. If you already have a range of clients who like your services, get them to give their positive feedback online. The online snippets of your previous work from clients will help potential customers gain trust in your brand and take your services.

Engaging Blog Content

Your content does speak volumes. Customers do not come to the conclusion of needing an HVAC professional instantaneously. There is a good chance that they will look for simple solutions or how to pick the right HVAC company, and answering those questions is your gateway. It will take you to your good books. HVAC marketing companies can create a content calendar and ideas to get more conversions.

Deploy YouTube

One tool that only a few businesses are currently using is video content. Upload videos of your work to YouTube and add them to your website. The use of YouTube will give people a chance to see your personality if you want. Or you can just focus on showing the work you do.

These are the most effective digital marketing techniques that businesses use to find relevant clientele in their area. But the only function of these techniques in HVAC business marketing is to get new customers.

Email Marketing

Email marketing includes sending regular mail to your current and potential customers. These emails can include newsletters, promotional offers, infographics, and much more. The idea behind these emails is to ensure that your business stays fresh in the mind of the users. Newsletter once a week, promotional offers, and other informational content pieces that your audience finds relevant, build trust in their minds. It also helps ease potential and existing customers’ decision to contact you first for the service. The HVAC company marketing your business can work on creating content for the newsletters and other emails. Then, use mass email sender tools like MailChimp to send the messages to their clientele.

HVAC Advertising (paid Marketing)

HVAC advertising or paid marketing is one section that several businesses must consider for their business. Traditional advertising, like advertisements in newspapers, creating a complete commercial for television/radio, may become a tedious task. Moreover, it will cost more money than it will bring.

So, HVAC advertising on digital platforms is your next option. Now, depending on your operation, you can choose more than one advertising platform.

HVAC marketing ideas generally include adverts on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other online platforms. Budget your ads well to ensure you do not run out of money. Moreover, take the time to understand the relevant audience. With appropriate targeting, your conversion rate increases, and you get your money’s worth.

Customer Retention

Marketing for HVAC companies does not stop at conversions. Gaining new customers and retaining them are entirely completely different practices. People can forget about your brand or lose your number after some time. So, you must keep tabs on them.

Customer retention is among the most significant factors when it comes to the success of a business. To do so, companies need to stay relevant in users’ minds. For one, people who have already contacted you should hear back from you. Moreover, get their social media profile details and send a request.

You can continue selling them more services to ensure that they remember you in time of need.

But the best thing a company employee can do for customer retention is to give their clients the best customer service. It includes giving their problems attention and ensuring that these problems are fixed.

HVAC Marketing for Customer Retention

HVAC marketing strategies for customer retention are different. Here, the focus will stay on keeping previous customers engaged on the various platforms they frequent. So, when they need HVAC services, they come to your company.

Your brand should be memorable and intriguing. It includes creating a distinct branding strategy for your company. The HVAC marketing company will use your input to determine your business’s Unique Selling Point (USP) to develop specific branding strategies.

Look for net promoter score and repeat customer rate to check if the strategies work in your favor.

A net promoter score is a survey question that asks users how likely they are to recommend your services to their friends. A higher number correlates to better customer retention.

As a business, you want to grow and expand. Hence, there should always be new customers. Moreover, you can always check the number of repeat customers. And not all customers who have worked with you before will contact you again. But a higher customer repeat rate does give insight into customer satisfaction and retention.

Create an HVAC Marketing Plan

HVAC marketing plan follows similar steps to every other marketing plan with local services.

Make an Excellent Website

For even an excellent marketing plan to work, the base should be strong. And for HVAC digital marketing, your website is your biggest promoter. All your marketing efforts will lead people to your website. So, firstly focus on creating a unique website that is engaging, easy to navigate, with little to no errors, and has a faster loading speed. Ensure that everything your customer needs to get in touch with you is available on every page. But also build a ‘Contact Us’ page.

The development and design team should create a website that appeals to the general audience. It should make visitors feel calm and trust you. If the users cannot trust your website at their first look, they will leave.

Run Local Services Ads

Local services ads will help you get to the top results once your website is complete. You pay for the position, but the traffic is worth the trouble.


The PPC model is another effective tool to get more customers on your website. It includes running ads on Google that appear throughout the internet.

Search Engine Optimization

Now that you have invested in your website and gotten ads for some time, it is time to invest in SEO. It is a long-term investment that includes getting clients through general search queries.

Work On Local SEO

Local SEO work includes listing your business on Google My Business Page. Moreover, associate your website with local directories. One of the significant tasks here is ensuring that all your business operations match information across the various platforms. Moreover, ensure that searchers in your proximity do not miss out on your service.

Content Marketing for Lead Generation

Create content for your website that is engaging, relevant, and leads to more people converting into genuine leads. It includes regularly updating the content on your website to provide the latest information.

Social Media

Social Media is another medium to use for customer engagement. Use it to get more customers and retain the ones who already have worked with you. Moreover, ensure that you respond quickly to every query.

What is the Most Effective Marketing: Advertising or Digital Marketing for HVAC?

Traditional and digital marketing are two ways of promoting your business. HVAC businesses need to choose the most appropriate method of marketing their business at a place where more relevant customers will find their brand.

With online marketing, that is, digital platforms, HVAC companies can create targeted adverts that get more conversions. Moreover, social media and the internet have become the new platform for people to search for services. Hence, digital marketing is the most appropriate tool for services like HVAC to get more customers.

Avail HVAC Marketing Services for More Conversions Here

Every business is unique. Hence, it is crucial to create a productive HVAC marketing strategy that includes the use of specific methods, depending on what works in your area. But making a plan is not enough. The execution should match the highest standards to get results.

Marketing efforts include creating a substantial online presence that brings value to your customers. And to achieve the goal, you will need the assistance of HVAC marketing agency.

At Seasia, we will understand your brand and competitors before creating marketing strategies to get the most conversions for you.


How do you do HVAC Marketing?

HVAC Marketing includes getting a new website that is mobile-friendly and fast. Then, engage tools like PPC, Google local services ads, and other paid promotions to get more clients. Afterward, use SEO and social media to engage clients.

How do I get more customers for HVAC?

You can try getting clients through paid promotions and SEO to get more customers for your HVAC operations. The methods take your business to people who are looking for your services and are close to your office location.

What is the target market for HVAC?

HVAC’s main clientele is homeowners and commercial buildings. However, HVAC business marketing can include different clientele depending on your business and specialties. For example, a company specializing in HVAC systems for Kitchens and restaurants can target the clientele separately.

How much do HVAC companies spend on marketing?

It truly depends on the size of the business, how far and wide your company operates, and the type you budget you have.

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What is Web 3.0 – Personalized Approach to Online Experience Mon, 18 Jul 2022 10:45:59 +0000 Web 3.0 has become the buzzword, but few understand its meaning. It is fair to assume that the general public will not have to worry about the intricate details. But businesses cannot rely on the same assumption. But whether you are a businessman looking to stay ahead of your competition or a tech-enthusiast interested in […]

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Web 3.0 has become the buzzword, but few understand its meaning. It is fair to assume that the general public will not have to worry about the intricate details. But businesses cannot rely on the same assumption.

But whether you are a businessman looking to stay ahead of your competition or a tech-enthusiast interested in knowing what is in store for the internet, this post will cover it all.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a global computer network that offers a range of information and communication facilities. It consists of interconnected networks with standardized communication protocols. The Internet’s introduction has changed how humans live, learn, interact, and almost every other aspect of life. However, the internet has not changed significantly since its inception.

Today’s web is static and cannot adjust to individual needs. Moreover, the technology is more prone to security threats as the data is stored in centralized servers.

To address the pitfalls of the static internet, experts are introducing the world to Web 3.0.

What is Web 3.0?

Now that you understand what the internet is and its many pitfalls, let’s shift focus to the future, that is, Web 3.0. Firstly, Web 3.0 promises a more dynamic experience by leveraging artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Web 3.0 will introduce structural changes to help democratization across the platform.

Moreover, as the data will exist in a distributed ledger, the security that Web 3.0 will offer will be unmatched.

What Technologies Does Web 3.0 Use?

There is no one definition of Web 3.0. But clearly, it will leverage specific technologies to make the online experience more engaging for clients. Do you know what technologies will be used? Frankly, there are no points for guessing.

Web 3.0 uses AI, semantic web, and ubiquitous properties.

Artificial intelligence will help the new and improved internet provide users with faster and more relevant data. AI can filter information to find the most appropriate data per users’ needs.

Generally, social bookmarking offers better results than Google. It utilizes people’s votes to determine the viability of the results. These results can be manipulated by people. With AI, it is possible to segregate legitimate and falsified interactions to provide the most relevant results.

AI will also have virtual assistants. It is not an entirely new idea, as third-party apps offer similar services today.

The semantic web offers categorization and information storage systems that help teach the system meaning of specific data. It means that once the user puts queries on the website, the website will understand what it means, similar to how a human would, and present more relevant content to the user.

The semantic web will team the computer with what queries mean, and then AI will use the information for more nuanced results.

Blockchain technology is a trust machine. The new internet will use the technology to create a tamper-proof and self-enforcing technology protocol. Web 3.0 blockchain usage is only natural as it offers a highly secure method of transferring tokens. Web 3.0 crypto usage will not stop at the exchange of currencies and tokens. Instead, it will help set up new business rules and exchange assets.

Web 3.0 Stocks for Financial Gains

Now, there might be business owners interested in knowing about the several companies investing in Web3 technology. However, it might also give you a glimpse into your competitors’ work.

The current situation has made several formidable stocks extremely volatile. However, some big guns will sustain and even improve their standing in the market in the coming future. And the tech giants whose stocks you must consider – are Block (SQ), Coinbase Global (COIN), and Nvidia (NVDA). All these companies envision success in the Web 3.0 era and have the means to achieve it.

Evolution of the Web 3.0 Technologies

The internet is currently in its third stage of upgradation. Web 1.0 offered only read-only access to information. In Web 2.0, it was possible to interact with others and the pages. In web 3.0, it is possible to read, write, and execute.

Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0

Web 1.0Web 2.0Web 3.0
Inception in 1989 Term coined in 2004 Modern Blockchain Usage defined in 2014
Static Website Content Dynamic website content and user input Semantic content
Information Delivery Social Networks Metaverse
Centralized Infrastructure Cloud-based but centralized Infrastructure Decentralized, peer-to-peer, and edge
Relational database-driven content and
application delivery
Relational database-driven content and
application delivery
Blockchain-based distributed services

Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood was the first to define web 3.0. So, it is safe to say that modern technologies are paving the way to a more advanced and secure internet for all. Moreover, AI and semantics are the other two components of the latest technology to help create a new internet experience.

Preparing Brands for Web 3.0 Revolution

Hopefully, I was able to help you understand the basics of Web 3.0 and how it differs from our regular internet. And now, it is abundantly clear that change is coming to the internet.

But, you have spent time creating an image for yourself on the internet. So, how will this change affect your brand? Is it going to evaporate one night, never to return? I guess no one believes that bit.

However, it is still necessary for businesses to change with time to stay relevant. Every good business knows that your company will perish over time without innovation.

The primary function of the internet will not change with the upgrade. It will remain a portal for businesses to interact with users and meet their demands. However, with the implementation of the latest technology, you will provide a more personalized experience to the users and move them down the sales funnel more quickly.

One of the changes several businesses are already considering includes using augmented and virtual reality. Moreover, web 3.0 will ensure that not only your computer and phone access the internet but also your refrigerator and microwave. So, product-based companies must look for ways to include technology in their items.

How to Invest in Web 3.0?

Metaverse will include the use of blockchains and cryptocurrencies to make payments. The new web system will also help make everything more transparent for the users. So, businesses should:

  • Invest in the 3D assets.
  • Keep focusing on content creation.
  • Invest in blockchain services

The use of crypto wallets for buying and selling will only increase in the future. Therefore, brand marketing needs to consider the tech.

NFT is similar to content creation and can become the new medium for sharing information. Hence, it is essential to keep working on creating engaging content to drive your brand forward.

Other companies can also invest in Web 3.0 through NFT, Metaverse, and cryptocurrencies. However, it is a more direct approach to investment. NFT can turn into your personal branding if you invest in the right ones.

What is Web3 Cryptos?

Cryptocurrencies have already become a huge deal. They came well before the conception of Web3. However, with the advancements in the internet, Web3 cryptos have also become a reality. They use blockchain technology with smart contracts so people can control the data and make transactions without any third party. It is essentially new cryptocurrencies that make the decentralized vision come to life.

Some of the major Web3 cryptocurrencies include Helium (HNT), Chainlink (LINK), Theta (THETA), and Filecoin (FIL).

The cryptocurrencies that work with Web3 will offer services generally associated with cloud providers like computation, bandwidth, identification, storage, and hosting services.

Defining Features of Web 3.0

Web 3.0 might appear very challenging to understand, but we are already using bits of it in daily life. So, let’s reiterate the most defining features of Web 3.0 in detail.

Semantic Web

The semantic web will change our search world forever. It will enable web technologies to generate, share, and connect content as per the meaning of the words and not through keywords and numbers.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is responsible for the generation of natural language processing. Combining it with the semantic web will result in computers having a human-like ability to comprehend search queries and offer more relevant results. Hence, they will meet the customers’ needs easily.

3D Graphics

Virtual and augmented reality or three-dimensional models are used in websites and services of Web 3.0. Now, businesses can use technology for computer games, eCommerce, geospatial contexts, and more.


The new web will leverage semantic metadata to connect larger information. Then, use it to enhance the user experience with all the available information.


The aim of Web 3.0 is to make everything internet-enabled. All internet content and services are available on any device of your choice, not just computers, and phones.


Blockchain technology has the potential to stop big corporations from using your data to target you. Blockchain is a feature that will help ensure data security through encryption. Moreover, it will give users complete control over their data, making the internet a relatively safer place in the future.


Decentralized data refers to using network storage in peer-to-peer interconnection. The users are the data and digital assets owners and can log in to security without any chance of being tracked.

Edge Computing

Edge computing helps minimize the data processing at the remote data center. Instead, most of the processing occurs on the network edge on devices like mobile phones, appliances, laptops, sensors, smart cars, etc.


Web 3.0 or Web3 is the progression of the internet into a more secure and effective tool for information, purchases, and much more. It is evident that we do not use the internet to the best of its capacity. However, it also makes sense, as we only see it as a tool – a means to an end.

However, with Web 3.0, virtual reality, and several other financial gains possibilities, it has the potential to become something new.

But these features only bring us closer to a complete definition of Web 3.0. The truth is that we are still taking the time to understand and define Web3.

Web 3.0 aims to be a cognitive technology. With natural language processing becoming the central component of the new tech, the product’s possibilities are endless.

You can use the software development company expertise to start preparing your business for the future today.


Why is Web 3.0 the future?

With the advancements of Blockchain, Web 3.0 should have better uptime. Also, AI and ML are new technologies that internet pioneers must consider. With Web 3.0, reading, writing, and executing will be possible. Virtual reality and better online personal assistants are the future, and so is Web 3.0.

When did internet 3.0 start?

The first definition of Web 3.0 came from the co-founder of Ethereum, who defined modern blockchain usage. However, the word first appeared in 2006 by John Markoff, who called it ‘the Intelligent Web.’

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What is Shop Pay – A Complete Review of Online Payment Processor Fri, 08 Jul 2022 10:12:14 +0000 Introduction: People come to your website, add products to the cart, and start the payment process, but then bounce? Several businesses suffer from the same issue. However, not many companies try to change things around for better results. One of the major reasons why people leave transactions is because of a long or complicated checkout […]

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People come to your website, add products to the cart, and start the payment process, but then bounce? Several businesses suffer from the same issue. However, not many companies try to change things around for better results.

One of the major reasons why people leave transactions is because of a long or complicated checkout process. Shopify has Shop Pay, which is among the most renowned checkout experiences for users. So, here is a complete review of the extension, so keep reading.

What is shop pay?

Shop Pay, also known as Shopify Pay, is an extension of the accelerated checkout method for Shopify Stores. First introduced in 2017, it has become the most used payment method.

shop pay

Shop Pay aims to offer a way to pay with credit or debit cards in stores. It does provide an option to pay with the card of the user’s choice.

It is a virtual assistant that helps customers who are shopping online. It allows online shoppers to pay quickly, track better, and shop effortlessly.

  • One-Click Checkout
  • Smart Delivery Tracking
  • Local Store Suggestions

How does shop pay work?

After learning the Shop Pay account overview, it is time to learn about its working and setup.

However, before we start with the information, it is essential to know that Shop Pay is only compatible with Shopify and Shopify Plus stores.

Now, let us understand how Shop Pay works.

It is a fairly simple system where if the customer enters their billing information and chooses Shop Pay at the Express Checkout section, it will remember the details for future purchases.


For using Shop Pay, customers must first provide their email addresses to log in. The other option is using a phone number. Then, they will receive a code through SMS to confirm their account. After the initial setup, they can make faster purchases.

Who Owns Shop Pay & Is It Safe?

Shop Pay is owned by Shopify and functions as an online checkout system compatible with small businesses. Use the tool to make customers pay faster.

Shopify is a trusted brand, and Shop Pay is powered by Stripe. Hence, users can be sure that their information is safe and secure.

The Shop Pay usage statistics and its 2nd position in the leading payment processors make it an excellent addition for merchants.

What Are The Benefits of Using Shop Pay?

Shop Pay offers advantages to both customers and merchants, which are discussed below.

Benefits of Shop Pay for Customers

Added Details Are Saved

Shop Pay stores billing information like shipping address and payment details. Next time the person shops, these details will come pre-filled after login. As an added bonus, the accelerated checkout will work on every store powered by Shopify if they log in with their email address.

Shop Pay offers a maximum of five credit card details and shipping addresses each.

Shop Pay Installments Plan

The application offers users the option of choosing the best purchase method. With the tool, you can set up payment amounts into multiple interest-free installments or decide to make the entire payment at once.

Generally, you can divide the purchase amount into four equal parts in the Shop Pay installments. However, the order should be at least $50 to $3000, inclusive of discounts, taxes, and shipping charges.

The installment process does not check your credit score, but you must undergo identity verification before making the purchase to prevent fraud.

The feature is only available for Shopify retailers in the USA. Merchants outside the USA cannot use the feature.

Moreover, the tool does not have additional charges like late fees or other penalties for missing payment. However, the platform may restrict the Shop Pay Installments feature in case of partial or late payments.

Ease of Access to Past Transactions

Shop Pay keeps the information about past purchases so that you can keep tabs on all the earlier purchases. These orders are neatly organized in the dedicated place so you can check them quickly with search or filters.

Excellent Customer Support

Shop Pay isn’t associated with any online store you visit. It is a separate entity to make payments easy on every platform. However, it does have access to the online resources of the store you are using currently.

All the support links, FAQs, and other resources the merchant provides will be available for your access. Use the resources to initiate a return, clarify queries, use quick chat, view shipping policy, etc.

Bespoke Shopping Recommendations

People receive shopping recommendations everywhere as per their online activities, but these are generally spam and push ads. With Shop Pay, the recommendations are much more nuanced, thanks to their unique approach.

The application utilizes a mix of data, including purchasing habits and other inputs like your favorite store. Consequently, they provide better recommendations and deals from your favorite stores to help you make better purchases.

Local Options

Shop local functionality allows users to personalize their feed with businesses they like in their locality. Moreover, if you like shopping locally, the feature recommends more bespoke services. With this option, you can opt for in-store pickup and or get local products delivered to your doorstep.

Benifits of Shop Pay for Merchants

Shop Pay also comes with a range of benefits for the merchants.

Automates Marketing for More Repurchases

The first and foremost use of Shop Pay for merchants is that it automates marketing. With the tool, the merchant can send automated messages before, during, and after the transaction.

Moreover, it helps

  • Send shipment tracking notifications with other product recommendations.
  • Send trending products recommendations
  • New Arrival Messages
  • Deals messages
  • Send post-purchase offers

Overall, it helps make the marketing system more streamlined to improve conversions and repurchases.

Performance Tracking

Merchants can also track the performance of their sales with Shop Pay. It includes finding out how quickly customers make purchases, the overall increase in conversions, and the time it took to deliver the product.

It helps make the business more transparent and trustworthy.

The tracking features send information to both customers and merchants, along with the tracking messages for when an order is processed, sent, the tracking code, and delivery.

Customize the Store & Checkout

With the application, you can also customize how your store looks to potential customers. Choose the offers you want to give your customers, like in-store pickup, express shipping, and free shipping. Moreover, you can offer customers the option to see past orders and share recommended products.

Furthermore, use the application to customize other elements, like store description, customer support resources, contact methods, and the images like logo and cover image.

A Separate Application to Track Notifications, Shipments, & marketing

Sellers can also install our application dedicated to tracking notifications, shipments, and marketing through the Shop Merchant app. It helps ease the process of handling your customers’ support, and you do not need to access your computer to complete the task.

Shop Pay vs. Shopify Payments?

If you are trying to find the right payment option for your Shopify store, or any other store for that matter, you might have heard of Shopify payments. However, knowing the difference between Shop Pay and Shopify payments is necessary before you make decisions.

Here is a comparison between the two.

Shop PayShopify Payments
PurposeImproved Checkout ButtonOnline store payment providers
FeaturesSaves customers’ information for faster checkouts.
Buy Now, Pay Later option available with Shop Pay Installments.
Assists merchants in taking payments from customers.
Can pay using credit cards and other payment methods.
SupportOnly compatible with Shopify online store.Integration possible with POS system on brick-and-mortar store.

The most crucial difference between the two is that Shopify payments is a standalone application, whereas Shop Pay needs Shopify Payments to work.

Apple Pay vs. Shop Pay

Apple Pay is another tool similar to Shop Pay. It is another tool for digital payment processing powered by Apple Inc. It also helps skip the lengthy process of checkout and move ahead to order review.

Apple Pay vs. Shop Pay

While mostly similar in function, Apple Pay restricted usage makes it a less formidable

What It Takes to Build a Store Shop Pay

As a seller, you have the option to incorporate Shop Pay for your store, or you can create a custom payment tool with the features of your choice. While adding the Shop Pay option is easier, most businesses want more control over payment methods and an exceptional checkout experience.

If you choose to make custom software, you need the mobile app development services from a renowned company that knows the trade of the tricks. As transactions require maximum security, it is mandatory for businesses to have trust, and the company must have experience in creating the payment system.


Now that we are done with a complete Shop Pay review, it is time to decide what is best for your online transaction system. There is the option to create a brand-new platform for your business or settle for the possibilities already available online.

It does have a fair share of merits for the users who want to include the payment method in their arsenal. Given that people are always searching for more convenience, it is only natural for them to opt for Shop Pay if they already have their details on the platform.

Both the methods come with a range of benefits. While one is a tried and tested product, the other is a bolder approach, allowing your business to thrive. Moreover, if you want to jump in as a competitor in the market with a similar product to Shop Pay, then you need mobile app development services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Shop Pay without a Shopify store?

Yes, it is possible to use Shop Pay even if you do not have a Shopify store. However, for this, you will need to add the Shop Pay button to sell on Facebook, Google, and Instagram.

What is the Shop app?

ShopApp is an open-source application that offers an interface to convert your Shopify store to a mobile application. You can use ShopApp to create both iOS and Android applications to reach customers on the two most used mobile platforms.

Is Shop Pay the same as PayPal?

No, Shop Pay and PayPal are two different applications, though they both serve as payment processors. With Shop Pay, you can create accelerated checkout that includes saving details of users for faster transactions on the next purchase they make on Shopify. On the other hand, PayPal is an online payment system for transferring money.

What happens when you use shop Pay?

With the use of Shop Pay, customers get a better checkout experience that is faster. Moreover, the merchants can use the application to target customers better for repurchases and conversions.

How do Shop Pay payments work?

Customers can pay in full on Shop Pay using their credit/debit cards. However, they also have the option to turn their payments into four equal-part installments, but only when the order is between the range of $50 to $3000, including discounts, taxes, and shipping charges. The platform will calculate the billing period automatically if you choose an installment payment plan.

The post What is Shop Pay – A Complete Review of Online Payment Processor appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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What Are the 10 Stages in the New Product Development Process? Thu, 26 May 2022 08:52:00 +0000 New product development (NPD) is the process through which organizations bring a new or updated product or service to market. It’s an opportunity to identify market needs, determine the feasibility, and deliver the software. In simple words, in new product development, the idea can be changed into a usable software product. The most effective new […]

The post What Are the 10 Stages in the New Product Development Process? appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

New product development (NPD) is the process through which organizations bring a new or updated product or service to market. It’s an opportunity to identify market needs, determine the feasibility, and deliver the software. In simple words, in new product development, the idea can be changed into a usable software product. The most effective new product launches are those that start with the customers’ wants in mind. As per a survey by Statista, 29% of companies planned to focus on new product development in 2022.  

What’s the Need for New Product Development (NPD)?

When a software development company wants to launch a new product, a proper disciplinary approach is required to make it successful, and for that, the New Product Development Process comes in handy. This process is important for companies as there are so many functions that need to be coordinated. There are many people involved in the New Product Development (NPD) cycle. The focus is on innovation while delivering value.

Besides, product discovery shouldn’t be a one-time process; instead, it should be an ongoing one. And for that, it’s essential to gather customer insights by monitoring social media, conducting interviews, customer surveys, and conducting ethnographic research. And the new product development process is an amalgamation of all these crucial points.  

Ten Stages Involved in New Product Development Process

There are nine crucial stages of the New Product Development Process that will be discussed in the blog in detail:  

Idea Generation  

 Idea generation is the initial step in developing a new product. When there is an idea, only then can one work on it. While working on the idea generation part, one should emphasize customer problems. When you know the issue, it becomes easy to come up with solutions.   

The following activities can help you in generates new ideas for New Product Development :  

  • Encouraging Consumer suggestions   
  • Conducting market research to determine the requirements and desires of customers  
  • Brainstorming new ideas  
  • Searching for fresh product ideas in various areas, including national and international markets.  
  • Obtaining feedback on competitors’ services from agents or dealers.  
  • Examining the competition’s new offerings.  

 Idea screening  

The process of new product development starts with an idea. The majority of businesses have an “Idea Committee.” This committee thoroughly considers all of the suggestions. They choose the good ideas and discard the bad ones.  

The following questions are considered or asked before picking or rejecting an idea for New product development (NPD):  

  • Is it really required to launch a new product?  
  • Can the new product be sold using the existing marketing network?  
  • Is it possible to manufacture the new product using existing equipment and machinery?  
  • When will the new product be profitable?  

If the answers to these questions are affirmative, the new product development (NPD )proposal is chosen; otherwise, it is rejected. To avoid product failure, this step is required.  

Concept Testing  

Concept testing is crucial in the new product development process. It is the time to put your ideas in front of real people. You’ll learn which ideas are worth pursuing and which should be abandoned by putting them to the test with real people.  

Don’t be concerned if your favorite concept is eliminated; testing is done to determine which ideas will resonate with your target audience.  

Product Prototype  

This is where the actual work takes place. A handcrafted, 3D-printed physical replica or a digital mock-up may be sufficient for demonstration purposes. Other goods may necessitate a computer-aided design (CAD) or even a working prototype.  

Refine the prototype till it’s fully functional and ready to be tested in-house. To discover design defects or areas to improve the end experience, users try to mimic the expected production process as much as feasible.  

Due to poor product quality there is 17% chances that [your] startup idea will be failed.-CBI Insights

External Refinement and Testing (Beta Test)  

As you approach the launch phase, distribute the new product for beta testing to trusted customers and partners. Request feedback from beta testers to guarantee that any design improvements are made throughout the final manufacturing phase.  

This model should function as closely as feasible to the final product. Manufacturing will build functional models based on the tested prototype.  

While creating usable prototypes may appear to be prohibitively expensive, beta testing dramatically reduces costs. Problems can be recognized before mass production to enable your team to iterate rapidly and cost-efficiently, rather than generating hundreds or thousands of final items with serious defects.  

Perfect the Design and Prepare for Production  

For the production part, the design has to be perfect. Now is the time to enhance your product. The results of beta testing should aid in the refinement of a product and its efficient production. Prepare for production once everything is ready.  

Though the end user and potential buyer should be kept in mind throughout the whole innovation process, marketing must become involved and collaborate with manufacturing to perfect functioning models that will appeal to the target buyer.  

Marketing will determine the market and sales predictions to connect manufacturing with anticipated final forecasts if the teams agree that the product effectively meets future customer needs.  

 All areas of production, including manufacturing suppliers and partners, distribution techniques, supply chain, packaging, and staffing, must be smoothed out during this manufacturing planning phase.  

Prepare for Potential Issues and Solutions 

Consider all aspects of the product before releasing it to the market. Tighten up the details, foresee problems, devise solutions, and make any necessary revisions ahead of time. Pay special attention to the following points:  

  • How you’ll set up and oversee the entire production process.  
  • What manufacturing partners (if any) have you chosen to assist you with production or post-launch success?  
  • How will you integrate the product into your supply chain after it’s launched?  
  • How you’ll package the goods, both practically and metaphorically, in terms of branding and marketing and sales.  
  • What distribution strategies will you employ?  

Finally, have enough inventory of all sizes and configurations in stock and, if necessary, on distributor or dealer shelves.  

In the new product development process, marketing should establish efforts to raise product awareness, generate leads, and increase demand at this point. Prior to the launch of a product, all product literature, sales collateral, distributor and customer service training, and lead-generating materials (trade shows, direct marketing, advertising, and so on) must be planned and generated. Include your sales team and channel partners in the development of these materials to ensure that they accept and utilize them. One of the main causes of a bad product launch is poor sales channel preparation.  

A product launch is one of the most exciting and conversation-starting events for a company. It’s nearly impossible to generate genuine enthusiasm for a product in the months following its launch.  


If the test marketing is a success, the organization will roll out the new product on a big scale, perhaps across the country. The company is making a large investment in the new product. It massively produces and distributes the new product. It uses mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines to promote the new product.  

Post Launch Activities: New Product Development

Customer-facing jobs don’t do without marketing, selling, or customer service. When a consumer has a query about a product, all teams (sales, marketing, customer service, engineering) must work together to respond and increase customer satisfaction.  

Manufacturing and engineering, in particular, may be required to resolve faults or respond to early adopter concerns. A new product’s development and launch could take years, depending on your industry. One needs to recognize the shortcomings of the organization while developing the product. Analyze whether there is a common question or complaint from customers. How will you upgrade or evolve the current product in order to plan for the future generation? Consider how these issues can be solved in the future production version.  

Review the Performance of New Product

When your product is on the market, the hard work doesn’t stop. From purchase numbers to satisfaction metrics, you’ll want to know how customers react to your offer.  

This is another excellent opportunity to conduct some fantastic customer research!  

New product development research, like all forms of consumer research, may not always provide the answers you want, but it will always shed new light on your product or service offering and what potential customers want from you.  

The company must assess the new product’s marketing performance.   

It must respond to the following inquiries:  

  • Is the new product well received by customers?  
  • Is there a similar new product on the market from your competitors?  
  • Is there a lot of demand, sales, and profits?  
  • Is the marketing team satisfied with the new product’s revenue?  
  • Is the after-sales service satisfactory to the customers?  
  • Is the commission paid to the middlemen satisfactory?  
  • Is the marketing manager adjusting the marketing mix in response to environmental changes?  

Final Words  

The main aim of the new product development process is to ensure that the product is well received in the market. The blog has covered the most common steps that are needed in the product development process. These steps can vary depending on the nature of the product.  

The post What Are the 10 Stages in the New Product Development Process? appeared first on Seasia Infotech Blog.

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